It used to be that hiking meant wearing hiking boots, office meant wearing office clothes. Nowadays, we’re wearing yoga pants to the office and sweat pants to get groceries. Umm, what does this have to do with hiking? That the hiking look has changed and that you’re probably seeing a lot of other types of shoes on the trails and not just your typical hiking boot. Each person has his own preferences and needs when he’s out on a hike. In general, however, longer hikes with heavier packs involve more supportive and rigid hiking boots for men. Day hikes, on the other hand, could be enjoyed comfortably with light hiking shoes and increasingly more common, trail running shoes. However, there are plenty of long distance hikers who also prefer trail running shoes. Although we can’t tell you which type of footwear best suits your hiking needs, we can tell you our favorite ones for mens hiking boots, low-ankle hiking shoes, and trail running shoes.
Mens Hiking boots have a high cut to give you the ankle support needed for long treks with heavy packs on off-trail terrain that entails lots of rocks, roots, and streams. They also have stiffer midsoles compared to the low-ankle hiking shoes and trail running shoes for extra protection and to absorb the impact especially if you’re carrying a ton and walking lengthy distances. So, if you’re looking for something a bit heavy duty a rough long haul, we’ve listed our top 7 favorite high-cut hiking boots for men to help get you started.
Mystery Solved!
The Best Men’s Hiking Boots are:
Zamberlan Vioz GTX Men

Why we love it?
- The most comfortable boots ever
- They are completely waterproof and breathable
- Superb traction, warm for winter and cool for summer




Top 7 Products
![]() Zamberlan Vioz GTX Men |
![]() Aku Alterra GTX Men |
![]() Salomon X Ultra 3 Mid GTX Men |
![]() Lowa Renegade GTX Mid Men |
![]() Merrell Moab 2 Ventilator Mid Men |
![]() Vasque Breeze III Mid GTX Men |
![]() Oboz Sawtooth II Mid Bdry Men |
Awards |
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Price | 304.95$ View On Amazon | 249.95$ View On Amazon | 164.95$ View On Amazon | 239.90$ View On Amazon | 89.34$ View On Amazon | 129.95$ View On REI | 150.00$ View On Amazon |
Overall Rating | 9.8 | 9.3 | 8.8 | 8.3 | 7.8 | 7.5 | 7.3 |
Pros | Amazingly comfortable , Completely waterproof, Full-grain leather upper is flexible and soft, Breathable , Superb traction, Bombproof, If maintained well, can last years, Warm for winter and cool for summer, Zamberlan warranty | Extremely durable, Patented fit technology that follows the shape of the foot, Great controllability and stability, Awarded Best Fit by Backpacker Magazine, Handmade in Europe, Custom-fit footbeds, Superb traction, Convenient lacing system, Glove-like | Great for feet of all dimensions , Zero break-in time, Lots of cushioning and heel support, Breathable , Internal membrane and fit promotes blister-free feet, Quick-drying internal lining, Toe protection, High traction, Easy to put on , Lightweight | Waterproof, Very comfortable, Zero break-in, Sturdy and rugged, High traction, Snug but wide fit, Breathable, Lightweight, Lowa is official sponsor of the American Hiking Guide Association (AHGA), Made in Europe | Wide toe box, Little break-in time required, Great for narrow and wide feet because of lacing system, Soft cushioning and contoured footbed, Arch and heel support, Has a slight heel for optimal spine posture, Durable, Comes in wide and narrow sizes, Breathable | Great fit, Really lightweight, Comfortable for wide feet, All-day long-lasting cushioning, Ventilation ports in heel and toe, Provides lateral stability , Lots of ankle support, Superb traction, stickier-than-ever outsoles, Little break-in time | Quality build, Very comfortable , Heel cups for no heel slippage, Glove-fit, Zero break-in time, Blister-free cushioning, Completely waterproof, Sturdy with excellent ankle support, Durable |
Cons | Sole can wear out easily especially on concrete, but happens only in some pairs due to one Vibram rubber bathc, Heavy, May require some but not much break-in time | May be heavy to some, Minimal break-in time | Waterproofness could be iffy, Lacing at the top loosens a bit , Light ankle support, Some men prefer a more heavy duty boot | Shorter lifetime, Stiffer sole | Waterproofness may be iffy, Not as flexible, Laces come undone often | May be hot for hot days, Tiny issues with lacing hooks, Waterproofness may be iffy | Narrower toe box |
Bottom Line | This pair of men’s waterproof hiking boots are hands down the best-reviewed hiking boot in the world! | This pair makes you think you’re wearing soft running shoes but still gives you all that support, stability, and protection you hiking-boot-ers are looking for. Get ready for oh-my-god comfort on your next long hike. | Super comfortable shoe to wear but soles may wear out on you quickly if you’re unlucky due to the bad batch of Vibram rubber outsoles. | This pair of hiking boots feels like a cross between a trail running shoe and a hiking boot. Super comfortable but may be lacking umph for those who want something heavy duty and rugged. | These hiking boots are a great light hiker, really comfortable and requires little break-in time. But while a lot of guys love it, some guys still prefer something more sturdy and durable. | Finally, a durable and lightweight pair of hiking boots that spell comfort and quality. May not be the best for wide feet, though. | |
Comfort | 10 | 9 | 9 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 7 |
Traction | 10 | 9 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 7 | 7 |
Breathability | 9 | 9 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 7 | 7 |
Durability | 10 | 10 | 9 | 9 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
2. Aku Alterra GTX Men
Best offers
- Extremely durable
- Patented fit technology that follows the shape of the foot
- Great controllability and stability
- Awarded Best Fit by Backpacker Magazine
- Handmade in Europe
- Custom-fit footbeds
- Superb traction
- Convenient lacing system
- Glove-like
- May be heavy to some
- Minimal break-in time
Super comfortable glove-like and custom-fit feel with a durability that seriously lasts.
3. Salomon X Ultra 3 Mid GTX Men
Best offers
- Great for feet of all dimensions
- Zero break-in time
- Lots of cushioning and heel support
- Breathable
- Internal membrane and fit promotes blister-free feet
- Quick-drying internal lining
- Toe protection
- High traction
- Easy to put on
- Lightweight
- Waterproofness could be iffy
- Lacing at the top loosens a bit
- Light ankle support
- Some men prefer a more heavy duty boot
Salomon brings their running shoe comfort to these mid hiking boots for out-of-this-world comfort in a hiking boot, giving you that foot-cradling feeling plus tons of ankle and foot support for those long hikes. Cushion-galore and soft lining makes break-in time non-existent so you can start hiking happily and worry-free in no time.
4. Lowa Renegade GTX Mid Men
Best offers
- Waterproof
- Very comfortable
- Zero break-in
- Sturdy and rugged
- High traction
- Snug but wide fit
- Breathable
- Lightweight
- Lowa is official sponsor of the American Hiking Guide Association (AHGA)
- Made in Europe
- Shorter lifetime
- Stiffer sole
The Lowa Renegade GTX is famous for its lightweight comfort and support in all terrain and weather conditions. This pair is a good middle of the road for those who want something light and comfortable but sturdy and totally waterproof.
5. Merrell Moab 2 Ventilator Mid Men
Best offers
- Wide toe box
- Little break-in time required
- Great for narrow and wide feet because of lacing system
- Soft cushioning and contoured footbed
- Arch and heel support
- Has a slight heel for optimal spine posture
- Durable
- Comes in wide and narrow sizes
- Breathable
- Waterproofness may be iffy
- Not as flexible
- Laces come undone often
What comes to mind when you hear ‘Moab’? Maybe something like the desert? Maybe something indigenous? ‘Moab’ means MOTHER OF ALL BOOTS. Bam. The peeps at Merrell aren’t modest about naming one of their most popular mid waterproof hiking boot the Moab.
6. Vasque Breeze III Mid GTX Men
Best offers
- Great fit
- Really lightweight
- Comfortable for wide feet
- All-day long-lasting cushioning
- Ventilation ports in heel and toe
- Provides lateral stability
- Lots of ankle support
- Superb traction, stickier-than-ever outsoles
- Little break-in time
- May be hot for hot days
- Tiny issues with lacing hooks
- Waterproofness may be iffy
The Vasque Breeze may be your dream hiking boot because of the lightness, comfort, and stability it is legendary for but is now more breathable and with a stickier outsole.
7. Oboz Sawtooth II Mid Bdry Men
Best offers
- Quality build
- Very comfortable
- Heel cups for no heel slippage
- Glove-fit
- Zero break-in time
- Blister-free cushioning
- Completely waterproof
- Sturdy with excellent ankle support
- Durable
- Narrower toe box
Never worry about wet or painful feet with this pair of men’s hiking boots. The quality of the shoe and the fit have made some guys just want to wear them forever.
Criteria for Our Men's Hiking Boots Considerations
Comfort and break-in time
Honestly, we prefer trail running shoes to go hiking now. They are more comfortable, lighter, softer, and give better response. But we know plenty of hikers who need or prefer hiking boots over trail running shoes. It’s fair, hiking boots are made for hiking. So we’ve researched the best mens hiking boots out there primarily based on comfort.
Uncomfortable boots just wouldn’t make sense would it? The boot had to give that oh-my-god-best-shoe-ever feel, otherwise we tossed it out of the ranking. So all these boots listed here have that. We didn’t like hiking boots for men that required too much break-in time. A little was okay, it’s expected from the particularly stiffer hiking boots that are really durable and meant for heavy loads.
But we highly ranked the ones that felt good on the first day out even after many miles and elevation gain. Fit also played a huge role in assessing whether the boots ranked highly in comfort. The boots we selected all have the right internal material and design to make the fit feel like it was perfect for your feet.
Nothing feels worse than going downhill with a heavy pack and worrying about slippery surfaces. So we liked mens hiking boots that offered superb traction, like that sticky, got-gum-under-my-shoe traction. This way we had peace of mind knowing that you won’t have to worry about ice skating on your hike. Superb traction comes from the superior rubber material used for the outsoles combined with the design of the lugs.
Waterproof hiking boots can run into breathability issues if they’re made with material that doesn’t breathe well. Some boots are even made with ventilation ports that let air through but not water. We selected mens hiking boots that had minimal breathability issues but are still waterproof.
We know that some hikers love it when their pair of mens hiking boots last them 10 years. Although it’s a nice plus, we considered pairs in our ranking that would last one or two hiking seasons. It’s not because the boots were made of poor quality, but it was because with use and the way the boots are designed, for example, having areas with comfortable soft mesh, it was only natural that wear and tear would appear sooner.
In fact, trail running shoes, which are the most comfortable of the three hiking footwear we go over, can last a few hundred miles, depending on how hard and where you run. So we decided that a good boot could last a couple seasons and it would still be considered a good boot for us.
And what do you think? Let us know in the comments!